One state in America that is highly sexist against females is Texas. In Texas a lot of the sexual discrimination unconsciously exposed. According to Molly Ivins "I think it is quite possible to grow up in Texas as an utter failure in flirting, gentility, cheerleading, sex-pottery, and manipulation and still be without any permanent scars" (Ivins 699). According to Laura Fitzpatrick "sexism has been supplanted by a more insidious form of bias, which suggests that sexist messages are o.k. if coucjed in irony" (Fitzpatrick). From my perspective sexism has become such a norm in many forms that is has been viewed as acceptable to the public.
Women in today's environment face several cultural barriers. One way it is shown is through flirtation. Women tend to flirt with men that they may be attracted to. When women are in bad moods, especially after heated arguments, men tend to say flirtatious quotes that may be viewed by women as offensive when Molly states "you're so cute when your mad" (Ivins 699). According to the flirting quotes and sayings list "a woman will flirt with anyone in the world as long as other people are looking on" (Anonymous). From my perception the only way women in society can be recognized for their beauty is engaging in philandering.
Women also have to cope with sexual discrimination through music. In terms of country music according to Molly "it's your basic familiar virgin/whore dichotomy- either your "Good-Hearted Woman or "Your Cheatin' Heart""(Ivins 699). According to Chad Austin "a study found that college students who were asked to listen to rap music had significantly higher levels of reported sexism" (Austin). In my point of view music in modern times plays a major role in how individuals develop their opinions and stereotypical biases of others especially of the opposite gender.
Women have worked hard and suffered as much as men did over several periods. However, their sacrifice and determination is overshadowed in today's society with the inclusion of television and the media. These examples also pose an overwhelming challenge for women to prevail gender parity. In most movies and reality shows, there has been an underlying of sexual discrimination towards women because of how the women are shown as feeble, idle and contingent on a man. Molly states that "in the cowboy movies that most contemporary Texans grew up on, the big, strong man always protects "the little lady" or "the gals" from whatever peril threatens" (Ivins 700). According to Sarah Senghas "On television, women are shown working less often than men" (Senghas). In my viewpoint women still receive the brunt of the stick of sexual prejudice when faced with the oppressing feeling that a woman is unable to become an independent and potent leader.
Texas is the second largest state in the U.S. Texas is heavily diverse. The ethnic group that comprises the most of Texas is Hispanic. With the incorporation of Spanish people, they have brought their cultures to America. Like any other regular man, Latinos take up accountability in terms of providing and protecting their spouse. However, their manly duties are sometimes extreme and thus engraved in today's society. According to Molly "then there's the machismo of our Latin heritage, which affects not only our Chicana sisters, but has been integrated into Texas culture quite as thoroughly as barbecue, rodeo and Tex-Mex food" (Ivins 699). Pertaining to an article by an anonymous writer, "machismo is defined as the cult of virility, the chief characteristics of which are exaggerated aggressiveness and intransigence in male-to-male interpersonal relationships and arrogance and sexual aggression in male-to-female relations" (Anonymous). In interpreting these quotes they portray how men tend to become overpowering in relationships toward women thus, becoming a detriment furthering the oppression on women.
Aside from the multiple cultural strains that affect women in Texas, women in general are victims of abuse. Women who suffer from violence tend to develop many physical, emotional and psychological instabilities. Ivins states "women everywhere are victims of violence with depressing regularity" (Ivins 701). According to an article by Mark Townsend "three million women a year experience violence in Britain, a significant proportion of them domestic abuse, according to the government" (Townsend). It is from my acknowledgement that women who are the sufferers in domestic violence have an affinity of feeling distraught and it is up to us the public to put an end to this devastating crisis.
Women in today's society overcame many obstacles in order to gain equal rights. However, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done because of several phenomenal barriers that barricade women in being treated equally. Women and men need to wake up and become aware that although sexual discrimination is not as prevalent as it was several years ago, it still exists today. In order for more women to be heard about this dehumanizing conflict, there should be more civil rights movements wanting to introduce to the government more vigilant laws that ban seuxal prejudice.
Works Cited
Austin, Chad. "Rap Music Linked To Sexism in New Study by NC State Researchers." Newsroom. Feb. 20, 2008. Web. 21 April 2012.
Fitzpatrick, Laura. "The New Sexism." Time U.S. Mar. 16, 2010. Web. 21 April 2012.
"Flirting Quotes and Sayings." Nov. 6, 2008. Web. 21 April 2012.
Google Images
Ivins, Molly. "Texas Women:True Grit And All The Rest." Handout 04-03-12. 1986. 698-703.
"Latin America-Machismo." Google. Web. 22 April 2012.
Ivins, Molly. "Texas Women:True Grit And All The Rest." Handout 04-03-12. 1986. 698-703.
"Latin America-Machismo." Google. Web. 22 April 2012.
Senghas, Sarah. "Sexist Stereotypes in the Media." Yahoo. May 13, 2006. Web. 22 April 2012.
Townsend, Mark. "Women Victims of Domestic Violence to lose out in Legal Aid Reforms." The Guardian. Oct. 29, 2011. Web. 22 April 2012.